vendredi 19 avril 2013

CONFIG_DEVTMPFS: is not set when it should be


emerge  sys-fs/udev

* Messages for package sys-fs/udev-200:

 *   CONFIG_DEVTMPFS:    is not set when it should be.
 * Please check to make sure these options are set correctly.
 * Failure to do so may cause unexpected problems.


Il faut modifier son kernel de la manière suivante :

 Device Drivers-> Generic Driver 
* Maintain a devtmpfs filesystem to mount at /dev.  

 For getting the devfs automatically mounted at boot time it makes sense to also enable the option  
* Automount devtmpfs at /dev

jeudi 18 avril 2013

Chromium 26.0.1410.43 Failed


 J'ai essayé de compiler la version 26.0.1410.43 de Chromium mais sans succès


Je n'ai pas trouvé d'autre solution que de downgrader la version comme ceci :

 vi /etc/portage/package.mask.

Merci à

dimanche 14 avril 2013

CONFIG_DM_CRYPT: is not set (required for cryptsetup)


* Messages for package sys-fs/cryptsetup-1.4.3:

*   CONFIG_DM_CRYPT:   is not set (required for cryptsetup)
* Please check to make sure these options are set correctly.
* Failure to do so may cause unexpected problems.
* This ebuild introduces a new set of scripts and configuration
* than the last version. If you are currently using /etc/conf.d/cryptfs
* then you *MUST* copy your old file to:
* /etc/conf.d/dmcrypt
* Or your encrypted partitions will *NOT* work.
* Please see the example for configuring a LUKS mountpoint
* in /etc/conf.d/dmcrypt
* If you are using baselayout-2 then please do:
* rc-update add dmcrypt boot
* This version introduces a command line arguement 'key_timeout'.
* If you want the search for the removable key device to timeout
* after 10 seconds add the following to your bootloader config:
* key_timeout=10
* A timeout of 0 will mean it will wait indefinitely.
* Users using cryptsetup-1.0.x (dm-crypt plain) volumes must use
* a compatibility mode when using cryptsetup-1.1.x. This can be
* done by specifying the cipher (-c), key size (-s) and hash (-h).
* For more info, see


- Mettre à jour le kernel
- Dans la config du kernel : device drivers -> Multiple devices driver support (RAID and LVM) -> Crypt target support 
- emerge sys-fs/cryptsetup

Liens :
